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SilverStripe 2.2

SilverStripe is an easy to use content management system (CMS) based on PHP. Not only does SilverStripe offer an very cool looking user interface, but is is really simple to get started with and building websites of any size and for any purpose.

Each page has a behavior that acts as a template for the functionality the page features. Normally it will just be a standard page, but it could be a contact form, a forum or one of the other included templates. The behaviors match the modules listed on the SilverStripe website. These modules include (but are not limited to) e-commerce, google maps integration, a blog - and Flickr gallery that easily lets use integrate photos from Flickr by user, tag or photoset.

SilverStripe is also search engine optimization (seo) friendly - for each page meta-data such as description and keywords can be added. Additionally the meta-data lets you have full control of the URL, so that keywords can be embedded exactly as you wish in a seo manner.

Finally I wish to high-light the newsletter feature - now you don't have to struggle in Outlook or other e-mail programs that are really not designed for making newsletters. Everything is managed directly from your website - it does not get much more simple than this. Also I really like that working with images in the WYSIWYG editor - you can scale them, and SilverStripe will automatically re-sample your original image. This makes images look pixel perfect - every time.

SilverStripe is a great and fairly young project (open sourced in October 2006) - that looks incredibly promising.

4 out of 5 See detailed product rating and read or post comments

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Umbraco is a unique Content Management Systems (CMS) written in ASP.NET. First of all Umbraco allows designers to have completely free hands in terms of layout, and thus making sure that your site is... Read more

SilverStripe is an open source alternative to

RedDot CMS 7.5
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Whether you are designing your company's website, intranet or extranet - RedDot CMS is a professional tool with a simple interface. Like many other professional content management systems it... Read more

SilverStripe news feed

Silverstripe CMS security patches January 2025
We've released three security patches for Silverstripe CMS to address security vulnerabilities.
Silverstripe CMS 6.0.0 alpha release
Silverstripe CMS has hit a new milestone?Silverstripe CMS 6.0.0-alpha1 has been released. This marks the first step in the journey towards a stable release.
Silverstripe CMS spring 2024 meetup wrap-up
Stripecon 2024 highlights

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