Traverso DAW 0.42.0
Traverso DAW (digital audio workstation) is an easy to use, open source multitrack audio recording and editing suite with a great user interface. You'll find yourself doing more work in half the time thanks to the unique interface geared toward both the home user and profession musician; instead of endless menus and submenus, Traverso uses both the mouse and the keyboard together for precision and speed.
The consistent, rather stark interface and the many tools let the user work without the need to learn a lot of applications. Learning Traverso is as easy as using it! Audio sources are kept in their original state as filters are applied resulting in non-destructive editing. The "History" feature allows for unlimited changes and lets the user create as many tracks as desired; Tracks supports one or two channels and any number of mono or stereo audio clips you need.
Traverso's realtime audio processing gives smooth, uninterrupted playback of audio as well as superior recording. Read/writes are accomplish with lockless ringbuffers for the very best process execution, resulting in low latency and high performance. The on-the-fly, transparent sample rate conversion means the end of converting your audio files to your audio card's sample rate. This feature saves time and aggravation as well as opening new creative possibilities.
Traverso has impressed users with its stability and long list of exceptional features. |
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