There are so many times that your photos don't come out like you want them to, especially outdoors. The brightness of all those objects is more than the camera can deal with; colors, textures and various light shades are squeezed and trimmed to make them fit into the digital format.
The process is simple and you start by taking at least 3 differently exposed shots of the same image. Open Photomatix and generate a HDR image, click browse and select the photos you want. Go to "tone mapping" and get creative! You can get a realistic picture or a surreal one, compare changes between settings and when you have what you want just click "process".
Photomatix blends your exposures into a HDR photo. Its tone mapping tools can pull out details from multiple exposures or just one image and convert the image to 16 or 8 bits while it automatically distributing the various tones. Photomatix can help you get the results you want, the picture you wanted when you first saw the scene.
The conversion tools here are simpler than most; the digital blending tool has 3 options: Two Images, Adjust and Auto. The user can take advantage of unlimited stacking and comparing the results is easy. You won't spend hours working on masking: the process of blending images is more than just layers of masking techniques. Photomatix is simpler to learn and operate than most tone mapping software yet doesn't significantly limit your options.
Getting the perfect shot isn't always easy but Photomatix simplifies the process of producing pictures that are as close as possible to the way the human eye first perceives them.